214 E. Market Street, P.O Box 653, Bennettsville, SC 29512.
Phone: (843) 479-5626 | Email: JRMUNNERLYN


Marlboro County Seeing Lots Of Economic Growth

Marlboro County Seeing Lots Of Economic Growth

County Council members took action on several projects at Monday’s meeting.

County Administrator Ron Munnerlyn said the active projects represent more than $125 million in new capital investment and possibly 90 new jobs. “Needless to say, staff, legal counsel, and others have been extremely busy putting these deals together,” he said.

Council approved the third reading of ordinance #823, authorizing the inclusion of one or more properties located in Marlboro County into a Multi-County Business and Industrial Park; a plan for an alternative allocation of the revenues derived from the fee-in-lieu of tax payments made with respect to such properties placed into the park; and other related matters.

Council approved the third reading of ordinance #824, authorizing the sale or lease of property owned by Marlboro County for the purpose of economic development.

The parcel will be given to Marlboro Electric Cooperative, which will lease it to a bitcoin money operation. Munnerlyn said the property tax revenue is only short-term and those funds will be put into a capital fund. Revenues are estimated at $2-5 million over five years.

First reading (in title only) was approved for ordinance #826 authorizing (1) Pursuant to Title 12, Chapter 44 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina 1976, as amended, the execution and delivery of a fee-in-lieu of ad valorem taxes agreement, by and between Marlboro County, South Carolina and a company known to the county as Project Rhodes, as sponsor, and one or more sponsor affiliates to provide for a fee-in-lieu of ad valorem taxes incentive and certain special source revenue credits for the benefit of a Project in the County; (2) the enlargement of the boundaries of a multi-county industrial or business park previously created by Marlboro County and Darlington County to include certain property located in Marlboro County, South Carolina, now or to be hereafter owned and/or operated by Project Rhodes, or one or more companies related thereto; and (3) other related matters.

Also, council approved resolution #11-21-03 for the building design for Project Ore and confirmation of compliance of sound restrictions for the Marlboro County Industrial Park. This will be a bitcoin project.

A resolution #11-21-04 identifying a project to satisfy the requirements of Title 12, Chapter 44 of the South Carolina Code, so as to allow investment expenditures incurred by a company known to the county as Project Rhodes, its affiliates and related entities, to qualify as expenditures eligible for a fee-in-lieu of taxes arrangement with Marlboro County, South Carolina; to provide for other related economic development incentives, including special source revenue credits; and other matters related thereto.


Council approved first reading (in title only) of ordinance #825 to adopt a redistricting plan for Marlboro County Council redefining the eight single-member council districts reapportioned as to population in accordance with the 2020 Federal Decennial Census and applicable laws and requirements.

The staff has received input from council districts that “touch.” This information will be used to help the state draw the first draft of a map, which the council can review.

Munnerlyn said the goal is to receive input and create a second draft and so on.

It was noted that the council has indicated the desire to have a community meeting.

In order for redistricting to be approved, the council must have a public hearing before the final version is passed.

Munnerlyn felt this could be accomplished by mid-February.

Other business

— learned general revenue funds for the first four months ending Nov. 30 totaled $2,433,811; General fund expenditures through Nov. 30 totaled $4,759,142 of a $12,825,594 budget or 37.1 percent of the budget year-to-date. — approved resolution #11-21-02 – a resolution authorizing submission of an application by Marlboro County for an Airport Grant from the United States of America (acting through the Federal Aviation Administration) in the amount of $130,000 and authorization to accept the grant if awarded.

— learned the Marlboro County Economic Development Holiday Drop-In will be from 4-6 p.m. on Dec. 15 at the Economic Development office.

— learned the recreation study began this week with stakeholder interviews.


Munnerlyn recognized the following employees with five or more years of service to the county through November: Mary Hood, 15 years; April Driggers, seven years; and Channing Covington, 17 years.


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